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Japanese Language Courses at INaWORD, both the “Flair” and “Affinity” programmes, are aligned to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (“JLPT”) certification system, which defines 5 levels of learning, from N5 (beginner) to N1 (advanced).

The JLPT system is the most widely prevalent and universally recognized system of certification for assessment of capability in Japanese.

More information on the JLPT examinations can be seen here:


Over the years, students of INaWORD’s Japanese language classes in Chennai have performed very creditably in the JLPT examinations.

In Chennai, JLPT examinations are held twice a year, in July and December, giving candidates those who learn the Japanese language two annual opportunities to acquire the appropriate level of certification.

Apart from the opportunity to acquire JLPT certification, INaWORD issues our own certificates to learners at each of these levels based on their attendance, participation and performance in assessments.

Japanese Courses Currently Available at INaWORD

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*All prices are inclusive of course materials and GST @18%. For in-person classes, prices includes course materials as well. For online classes, the price of course materials is excluded.